Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mission Reuion Pictures

Here are a couple pictures from the mission reunion.

Elder Martin Fernandez won the award for traveling the farthest (Buenos Aires, Argentina) to make it to the reunion.

One of the funnest moments was to sing "Llamados a Servir" estilo "Oeste" once again. There's nothing like a West Missionary.

We invite everyone else to share and upload their pictures to the blog, facebook, or flickR.

Thanks to President and Hermana!


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting all the pictures. I'd love to see the pictures of the slide-show that was shown of all the missionaries now. Wish I could have been there!

Thanks! :)

E. Cutler said...

I would love to know how the work is doing down in Chile at the moment. Are bautismos still frequent? Has retention improved? Does the bread still taste as good as it did 5 years ago?